While waiting for my new washer and dryer to arrive, I finally broke down and took a couple loads to the laundromat.
It was a first for me.
So of course I had to document the whole experience!
(Can you see me in the reflection?!)
And really, it all looks so much prettier through a lens anyway.
Avocado green suddenly seems like a wise and bold choice. . .
And bright orange chairs appear mid century modern.
And of course the touch of stainless makes the whole place seem sleek and industrial.
And while not much can be said about the rows of clunky washing machines,
they do have a certain symmetry.
And they sport a cool name.
All those carts make me want to race someone around the rows of machines,
like an impromptu game of bumper cars.
plus, all those coin slots make you feel like you might win something. . .
even if in the end,
all you get is clean laundry.
And really, I'm okay with that.
Because after a week of no clean laundry, clean laundry holds a lot more appeal than one might expect.
The speedy turn around was also quite nice. Clearly the machines were living up to their name.
And since the kids stayed to play with a neighbor, someone was counting it as a date!